Made To Measure Timeline

Follow the timeline of your order date to see how your dress will progress and when to expect it.

10th March 2023

Launch Date

Made to measure goes on sale! Sale is open for two weeks unless my capacity is sold out prior.

Update: This Pre-Order timeline is sold out.

Duration: 6 Days

Order Supplies

Once your order is in I get to work ordering fabric and any trims and packing supplies needed.

Durration: 54 Days

Supplies In Transit

Supplies get manufactured or distributed here. Then everything spends time in transit coming to the DOWK studio!

Duration 67 Days


With fabric in hand at the DOWK studio, it will be cut to your measurements.

Duration 67 Days


Garments are sewn as orders are cut and the two jobs are performed at the same time.

Duration: 7 days


Each order is checked, pressed and packed in preparation for its new home.

28th July


Your order has been sent from the post office, you should receive a shipment notification and emails from Australia post.

Delivery Day!

It's finally here. A dress for you to love and cherish.

Your delivery date is subject to your location. Best general estimates are:

1-2 weeks for Australian orders

2-4 weeks for International orders